Universal quantum gates
History of the notion of universal quantum gates and an interesting application on quantum complexity theory.
History of the notion of universal quantum gates and an interesting application on quantum complexity theory.
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本文将介绍重整化的基本思想, 假设读者具有初中物理基础.
一份不求完善但可操作的 LaTeX 入门指引。
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欧洲的宗教与虔诚: 1215~1515/[英]斯旺森著; 龙秀清, 张日元译. ---上海: 上海三联书店, 2012.5
On 17th December, 2020, the successful return of lunar samples to earth of Chang’s 5 excited patriots in China as well as people who care about the space programme. The latter kind of people always...
本文是作者 "量子信息物理导论" 的课程作业, 介绍 EPR 悖论的内涵及其引发的争论.