一个困扰我很久的问题: 磁介质能量微分式中 $-M\,\mathrm{d}H$ 或者 $-M\,\mathrm{d}B$ 到底咋来的. 前几天固体理论课上老师提到朗道连续介质电动力学中介绍了这个问题, 我终于找到了借口集齐十卷, 同时解决了这个问题.
欧洲的宗教与虔诚: 1215~1515/[英]斯旺森著; 龙秀清, 张日元译. —上海: 上海三联书店, 2012.5
Crank-Nicolson Method for Solving 1D Schrödinger Equation
To solve a one-dimensional time-dependent Schrödinger equation numerically, consider a difference method.
传统的统计力学假设宇宙是一个满足能量约束的微正则系综, 它的一个足够小的子系统的概率分布可以由正则系综导出. Popescu S, et al. 1 提出, 如果假设宇宙是一个纯态, 那么它的一个子系统的密度矩阵和统计力学导出的正则分布密度矩阵几乎是相同的.
Popescu, S., Short, A. J., & Winter, A. (2006). Entanglement and the foundations of statistical mechanics. Nature Physics, 2(11), 754–758. https://doi.org/10.1038/nphys444 ↩
In the Name of Peace: The First Poster for Soviet Space Programme
On 17th December, 2020, the successful return of lunar samples to earth of Chang’s 5 excited patriots in China as well as people who care about the space programme. The latter kind of people always admire the time of the Space Race between the United States (US) and the Soviet Union (USSR) during the Cold War as a period of dream for the prosperity of space exploration. However, even before USSR’s launch of the first artificial earth satellite Sputnik 1, Americans had been aware of the propaganda potential of space programmes.
共计 38 篇文章,5 页。